Debbie Ross Reflects on Nascent

Nascent Series is a beautiful shock to the soul. It’s a perfect example of Ash Thorp’s ability to connect with people on multiple levels, leaving them spiritually richer for the experience.

I had the pleasure of working with Ash on his recent ORION film project, and experienced his mind-blowing work ethic and intensely considered approach to the art he creates. His dedication to the creative process is matched by his passionate exploration of the human condition. All whilst retaining grounded perspective and wicked sense of humour.

Nascent Series questions western society’s understanding of happiness and its increasing addiction to the misled pursuit of that state. Especially as it relates to present day advances in technology which are (mis)shaping social norms and calling into question what it means to be human, let alone a happy one.

Each diptych in the Nascent Series gives a first rush of pleasure with its striking visuals, tripping our endorphins like the promise of one of Ash’s ‘Happiness Pills’. It’s only when we take a closer look and understand what we’re really looking at that the pleasure turns into questioning introspection. The surface happiness leaves, and we’re left to reflect on our own reaction to the stark reality of what he's presenting.

This is the first time I’ve seen Ash’s art presented in such a simple and concentrated format. It feels very pure and very him. Dare I say, that makes me happy?

About the Author

Debbie Ross is Producer and Co-Founder at Hydra Studios. Hydra creates hi-end, short form CGI content and co-produced Ash Thorp’s ORION project. Debbie lives and works in Glasgow, collaborating with an international team of artists and clients.